After Zuhr,the group of jemaah from the Surau,came to the house to recite the doa selamat.The doa selamat went well,then,all the jemaah was further invited to enjoy the feast.I'm very happy to see such a friendly environment during the feast yesterday,even though not everybody know everyone..but,that didn't seem to matter much at all.They all just sit and chat with whoever they are comfortable with or sitting close to them.These spirit should be preserved and continue to be practise in our vulnerable society just to maintain the bond in the society from being torn by some provocative ideas that clearly wouldn't brings any goods..Erm,enough of this.hehe.ter-bebel plak.=P.Hurm,Later that afternoon,many more relative n family friends arrived.Some of it that I have not seen in a while..Thanks Pak Usu for ur encouragement n advice!!Thank you also for coming,lame da xjumpe.hehe.=))
That evening,around 8pm,Jaba n other arrived at my house,they were the 1st group of friends to arrived,Jaba drove together Bunjil,Peng n Ladoo.I invited them to come at night,because I doesn't want the house would be too crowded n uncomfortable for all the guest.My house isn't that big n spacious.Hehe.but,stil,thankful to even had one.compared to those yg merempat,homeless..gile kesian.!!=(.Than,I had to pick Kiba at the KTM station since he came by the Komuter.Kiba then asked me to pick up Nona at her house in Selayang,which is not very far from mine.So,then,off we go to pick up Nona,lucky I was quite familiar with the area.(dlu skali-skale ponteng skola lepak situ..hahaha..).
hehe..won't forget the nite,,
I had so much fun.
When we arrived at home,Abe n Faza,another of my friends already reached the house.I straight away went to say hello n chat with them.While,my twins entertaining Kiba,Nona,Peng and some other guest.Moment later,Smith,Sani.Zhaf n Koyak arrived.They tros mkn.Lapa kowt..haha.What really strikes me that night was,the moment Smith n Koyak take a ride with my bro n sis bicycle n race each other.haha3..really funny dow.never seen them ride a bicycle before..And,i've never seen anyone paddle my bro bicycle as fast as Koyak did last nite.Gile kau Koyak.Jiwa motor kau mmg sebati.haha3=P.Then we took some time off,to relax a bit n hav a little chat.Smith asked all of us whether we want to go catch a football match that nite.Smith wanted to go to Hartamas.We all agreed.Before we left the house,the guys help to clean the house n arranged some of the furniture back.THANK YOU GUYS!!!
pics of abe n me..
They love the food.
The guest having a chat n share a laugh.
Apit..siot kau..kau bom ak smlm..
lu jage ar!!!haahaa..
Then,we all hung at Hartamas Square,the place was quite low key that nite.Not many people were they,We just do our things there,conversate about things happening now n then,laughing together,Played poker..haha.The usual stuff la.Around 3,we left Hartamas,send Kiba to UM,them Koyak in Gombak.Get to see the old MOna Fandey house..creepy ouh.It was dark.Then,home again.ehhe.=))
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