09 March 2010


Apart from books and stationary..ak rase bende neh la yg byk b'jase kat aku..Dr secondary school smpai skrg..pegi class mesti bwk,klu xbwk...Pergh! susa hidop..Eventhough kau version lame,but still ak prefer pki..Klu xde Casio neh,memang xdpt la nk jwb soalan2 math..sb kdg2 klu ad pon still xdpt jwb..Blaja Calculus klu xde neh,mau t'kincit kot..haha.

Penah dolu2 b4 SPM ak mimpi time ngah jwb SPM,Calculator ak mati sbb abes battery..pergh cuak jap..smpai da t'pikir nk bwk battery spare sume bagai..Tp,in reality sb bek xjd..battery still survive smpai skrg...Tp,calc neh mmg lasak,lg durable compared to other devices..ak penah nk hancur kan 1,conduct destructive test sendiri..agak kagum la ngan ketahanan bende neh.

Aritu,adik perempuan ak kat MRSM Taiping textd,bagitau ckp Calc de kena curi..hurm.sian kat de..cmne nk revise n blaja..xpe2,nt ktorg post yg kat uma punye..Tp,ak pelik nape nk amek calc org..gune utk stdy plak tuh..xberkat la..nt kangkau blaja2 letih je dpt..ok,to view it from a bright perspective,mayb dak tu t'silap amek..but,still ble da prasan silap amek tu pulang la blik...It is not that hard.

p/s: klu xde calc mau m'letop otak nk kira tok statics,thermo,dynamics gak..erm,I've been taking u for granted all this while.

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