20 September 2009


hadiah raya & hadiah birthday.
jato moto on wed nite.
ad lg several bruises &scratches on elbows,thighs n shoulder.
pedih tp redha.

thanx to all yg wish happy besday kat aku.
especially the 1st person,i love u

iena-thanx for the birthday post
smith-thanx bwk ak jejln p pusing2,& lyn kerenah adik ak.
apit-thanx 4 de roti telor n limau ais

minta maaf atas segala salah silap ak kat korang,t'kasar bahasa,t'gurau lebeyh, dsb..
selamat hari raya
maaf zahir batin
may this Syawal brings a blessings to all of u.



the beena's said...

haaaaa...1st person tuh sape??..huhuu

the beena's said...

haaaaa..i know now who is the 1st person tu..ehehe

the beena's said...

hahah..yelaaa...u pon mesti bwk ehm ehm u taw!..hehe

u pon kena wat gak..i nak mkn byk2 kat ur house agi

the beena's said...

ben: wah2..jgn la tepung2..ewwww!!..yay! dpt makan open hse agi..weyuuu!!..best2!..thx ben..=DD

Didi Aziz said...

happy belated birthday
maaf la, celaka sikit tak wish awal2

aben said...

thats okay.