22 June 2010


Live life with courtesy to people around you..
Be courteous...
Do it with what you have...
It doesn't take much to make the world a better place for everyone..
Sometimes we need to take a moment & do things for others,
than just busy pleasing ourself.


21 June 2010

hari ini

Hari ni KL hujan lebat kan??Td otw nak g amek Ayah kat Greenwood pon struggle nk nmpak jalan..padahal wiper da laju abes..Water puddle and drainage pon byk..
Okay,actually saje nk bg PERINGATAN je,klu korang lalu kat mrr2 Kepong menghala Selayang, dkt satu corner bend near Taman Metropolitan Kepong..Tempat orang men layang2 tuh..Corner neh memang bhaye..and da byk makan nyawa..So,be careful la..Klu leh avoid speeding kat right lane time hujan..sb kat lane tu cm ad puddle sket..Possibility kete nk skid mmg tinggi. Klu xsayang nyawa,sila la..Be my guest.

p/s:Contoh, Myvi kat atas neh..da t'balik..da la kete baru..Em,kira baru gak la, no plate WTF, even skrg KL da smpai WUA..



atowk ade ajar ktorang speak french sket smlm..tp,mmg b'habok la nk ikot.

Teddy ckp Zai mcm Aqasha..Haha. Aku pon rase cm ye je..

p/s : John,Kiba,Jalil & Allim..bila lagi??haha. =P
Btw,Brasil won 3-1 last nite..Luis Fabiano 1st goal was superb!!

17 June 2010

pesan ayah

" Sebelum kita nak sayang orang, kita kena sayang diri sendiri dulu "

Itulah pesan ayah..
Jgn sbb sygkn org, diri sendiri yg rosak..
Jgn silap, sayang diri dgn pentingkan diri tu tak sama,..
then only we could give the best to the people that we love.

p/s: Ayah, I had taken a wrong move before , I compromised myself too much and let it ruined me. Aben wont repeat it again.

15 June 2010

a splendid weekend

Tasik Raban, Perak.

with jemer & nana.

fathiah amni. =)

everyone into the boat.


pengantin arriving. cm sultan melayu melaka plak. Haha =P

nana,cik ros,mummy,kak aini

otw across back..

Then, b4 KL, singgah kat sini dlu..utk mandi-manda & berehat. Air xdalam sgt..tp oke la. Sejuk.

Yg penting dpt picnic same2 ngan cousins & uncle auntie..
Dgr cte next year, nk wat family day balik..Yess!!
da few years da xde kot.
nk tgok gbr kitaorang mandi manda??haha. xde2. sume syok mandi.

the konvoi..9 cars all together.
pas picnic singgah pekena laksa dlu kat Kuala Kangsar.
Haha. penuh kedai orang ngan family kami.
And riuh cm biase. =)
Tp no pics though..batry abes da.

p/s : Overall, it was a splendid weekend spend with my whole family..It has been quite a while since I got a chance to spend time with them..Especially since I got into the boarding school & Uni, been missing out on many family occasion..Sigh!! Xpe2..pasni,xnk miss lg.
FYI,Tasik Raban neh venue commercial raya petronas few years back..yg pasl ank2 de bwk blik lembu tuh..klu nk tau,link tu..tempat de mmg cantik.

13 June 2010

fali update

Petang td,fali ad call..
Alhamdulliah de suda selamat m'jalani pembedahan ligamen lututnya.
Dan,skrg de ad di wad hospital..
Sape2 yg free2 tu hujung minggu neh,sila2 la dtg..
Sian kat de, bosan dok kat katil hospital tuh. =(
Dan dgr khabarnya, Insya-Allah klu xde pape halangan merintang..
Hari Isnin neh da bole discharged from wad..
Blik uma berehat.

12 June 2010

curi tulang

Haha..Berjaya melarikan diri drpd tugasan mencuci pinggan mangkuk mlm neh.
Petang td,da tolong settlekan 1 trip kira ok la tu kan??
Mlm neh,kasi la peluang b'jalan2 kat Ipoh neh plak..
Heheh..lg pon bukannye selalu,

Jemer,jom jalan weh.

10 June 2010

to fali

Marilah kita sama2 doakan keselamatan & kejayaan pembedahan lutot Fadzlie Muthafa pd esok hari. InsyaAllah.
Mudah-mudahan segalanya b'jalan lancar.

08 June 2010

aku budak setan??

Ade orang ckp ak mcm mat rempit.
Ade orang ckp ak mcm budak jahat.
Kebiasaannye,orang yg xbape kenal aku & br nk kenal...
Bile dorg gtau impression dorang t'hadap aku..
Usually yg aku dpt negative2 je ah..
Garang, nakal, jahat..Muke penjenayah la bagai.
Xkisah la,klu tu yg nampak pada mata masing2..

Tp,Pandai je ckp 'U should never judge a book its cover' konon.
Erm..Org KITA memang pdai.
Pandai cakap tp xserupa bikin..habuk pon tarak.
Bila sendiri kena judge,tau plak marah m'gelupur.
Ckp xelok la wat cmtu, ape la bla bla etc..
Tabiat la tu..ble kau buat xpe,ble orang len wt kat kau xleh..

Aku cuma jd diri aku..I'm not a hypocrite.
Xkan la ak nk senyum je plak all the time..
Nt kang kena tuduh gile plak xpasal2.
And,xkn la ak nk g mesra gila2 ngan org yg br kenal.
Nt mesti la org tu pelik.

Perhaps muke ak nmpak garang.
But that just the way I am..
I'm just being me.
Tp,ak pon sedar..ak neh bukan la baik pon.
Memang aku nakal gak..
Tp aku just xapprove je ngan sikap " ble kau buat xpe,ble orang len wt kat kau xleh"

Papepon,at least muke aku sempurna xde cacat cela.

07 June 2010

peristiwa today

Td balik katering kat Dewan RISDA, Ampang,
Pas keje ingat nk g kacau Dd keje..haha.
Da la pegi carik Dd kat tmpt keje xjumpe..siot nye si buntal!
Kau tau ak nk dtg..kau nyorok eh?
Pastu,moto bole buat perangai pulak..Tibe2 jeh pulak..mase time pegi elok je..
Shift up bole..Shift down xleh.
Sangkot in between gear..
Sudah2 redah smpai Kepong..gear 4 & 5 je yg bole masuk..
Tp mostly,gear 5 je yg bole..
Kat traffic light sumpah malu, gear sangkot..
T'senggok2 cm katak batuk moto aku.
Mat2 motor len tgok je..Mesti dorang gelakkan aku.Aiseh.
Tp papepon, Alhamdullilah smpai gak uma ngan selamat.

p/s: weh kawan2, Dd ckp de da dpt gaji! haha. =)
nt ak plak dpt gaji,nk overhaul moto cm kat atas..tu moto org len tu,tp ayah pnye same kaler ah.

06 June 2010

melancholy rhythm

I wish that I was capable of writing such a great song like this for you..
That's just one of many aspects which I'm lacking in..
It'll definitely be great if I'm talented & creative as these guys..I did tried to compose something.
But, I'm just too transparent & straightforward to come up with something as good as this.
Hehe..Anyhow, I tried wrote you couples of poem.
Can't really believed that I actually did wrote them. (^ . ^)
Then,Fate had set us apart.
I hope you'll live a great life.

05 June 2010


Lumrah manusia. Bila kita buat baik ngan orang..dan orang tu selesa ngan kita, nampak peluang depan mata..orang tu akan amek kesempatan ke atas kita.

Time aku keje katering td..Ade sorang brader neh. Supposely,de yg handle uruskan pasal function tu sume..Ktorg sttlekan bab makanan jeh..Yelah,name pon katering kan.. Len la klu majlis kawen,tu br la ktorg include table kusi sume.But then, td ngah ktorg sebok2 siapkan keje ktorg de plak dtg m'gadu nasib..

" Nt korang tolong Abg bole x?? Tolong susun kerusi ngan meja..
Contractor yg Abg pggil cm xdtg je neh.."
"Susun kerusi ye bang??Jap2..ktorg pon ad keje ktorg nk kena stle neh,
nt klu ktorg da siap tu, bole la kot "

Lepas tuh,ktorg pon sambong keje..xlame pastu,skali lg de dtg..

"Tolong la abg susun, majlis da nak start neh"

Pastu,kebetolan ktorg pon da nk siap setting table,buffet sume..Then ktorg pon tolg la..Alhamdullilah sume siap.

Then,ble time guest mkn plak,da name pon buffet..self-service la..mane de serve..Suke hati de je nk suroh aku serve air..Padahal de ngah xwat pape pon..Ak nk clear table lg,topup lauk sume..Kau ngah xwat pape tu,wat la sndri,bajet mando..Plus,bukan kau yg byr gaji aku pon..Nk suro2 ak plak..Pastu,suke aty je soh mbr ak wat mcm2.Haish seb bek ngah majlis..

Then,majlis pon abes..Brader neh pon dtg kat in-charge aku,and mtk tolg lg..

"Nt da abes korang tolg kemas kusi meja eh?? Abg nk g Subang jap.."

Pergh..Selambe badak je kau nk suro2 ktorg..
Ingat ktorg xde keje ke nk buat??
Ktorg pon nk kemas brg ktorg gak...Melampau ah tu..
Apehal plak ktorg nk stlekan keje kau??Da la xhulur pape langsung..
Nk free labour mane leh??Ingat ktorg neh welfare ke?
Silap ah..kau pdai2 la uruskan..Kau pgil contractor kan,tp dorg xdtg?tu bukan masalah ktorg..
Ktorg pon byk tggjwb n& keje len lagi..Bukan la ktorg neh b'kira sgt ke pe,tp kau pkir la jugak..
Ktorg da tolg kau bukak meje yg bukan keje ktorg,pastu nk soh ktorg tutop plak,then kau plak blah..Wah,ktorg da tolg td,nk lebih2 plak..
Sape xpanas aty..Pas ktorg stle brg ktorg,chow..Hahha.Pandai2 la kau sttle.

p/s: aku pelik senanye,majlis neh kat private school,pastu ad byk nepal keje maintenence..tp cm xde function je ak tgok nepal2 neh..Tgok dorg jalan2 je xde wat pe pon..time makan sume kerumun..xkesah la tuh.tp cm xde keje jeh.Klu skola tu soh dorg pasang table tu pon da save dr pgil contractor luar..Heh,tp skola org kaya kan?..Tp klu skola k'jaan lg senang,sume dak2 wat sendiri jeh..
Papepon,ak b'syukur dlu zaman skola ak best!
Finally,beware la dgn org suke take advantage neh.

01 June 2010

mesyuarat vacation

This post is published with one and only purpose which is..to drive marwan hakim/john or better known as marwan cendawan on FB, envy and craving for M'sia more than he already has now..

Last night,we all gathered and discussed about the vacation plan that has been long being put on hold..We has decided that whatever it takes, we will make it work this time around..Zhaf has already volunteered himself to be the Head Chef..He is planning on something special.Haha..Mr.John nak tau apa?haa..cepat2 la blik M'sia.

The roots of the discussion was " The place doesn't matter as much as the people..Wherever it is, as long as we have each other..It'll be fun.."
Ohh..just like old times bro.. I bet we all gonna have fun!

p/s : It'll be happening most probably at the end of june. So u better get ur plane ticket back home now John. We all misses u bro!